Thursday, December 31, 2020

¡ Pura Vida! Our Last Post for 2020 !

This is the close of our Finding Pura Vida blog for 2020. It has been a great year … and a terrible year. It has not been what we expected when we left Florida and moved to Costa Rica, but not counting the pandemic it has been good.  I am reminded of the old Chinese Proverb; may you live in interesting times. 

Sometime in 2021 we will resume our story about retiring and living in a foreign country as Expats. But for now, ¡Pura Vida!

Literally it means “simple life” or “pure life”, but in Costa Rica, it is more than just a saying ... it is a way of life. Costa Ricans (Ticos and Ticas) use this phrase for about everything; to say hello or say goodbye, to say everything's great or its cool, and a whole lot more.

¡Pura Vida! can be a greeting and a farewell; you can use it for “I'm doing well” or “Everything's cool”; you can use it for “Oh well!” or “That's life!” It also can be used for “You're welcome” or “No worries”–or just about any exclamation like “That's great!” Its a lot like Aloha in Hawaii or c'est la vie in French.

¡Pura Vida!  (pronounced poo-rah vee-duh) represents Costa Ricans' relaxed attitude towards life, no matter the circumstance. It's used to say hello, goodbye, to say everything is okay, and to brush off any negativity. It's a way of life and an attitude, and using it can help you fit in with the locals.

And Yes, Costa Ricans really do say Pura Vida and they live the ¡Pura Vida! life.  Which is what we came looking for, a laid back care-free life style where we could live in retirement with less stress or  worry. 

Did we find it? Well more about that in the coming year. 

Costa Rica is “pura vida”! The most commonly used phrase in Costa Rica literally means “Pure life”, but the saying goes beyond its simple translation: it's a way of life which symbolizes the idea of simply enjoying life and being happy. But can an Expat live the Pura Vida life? We will see!

So, until we post again, remember, ¡Pura Vida!